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10 cose da sapere

10 things you should know

  1. Among your personal investments, your car is one of your most predominant ones. It is important to preserve its value and your security by having through a center of a professional expert.
  2. It is a careless risk to drive a car that might be unsafe after an accident. Nothing can justify a safety downturn standard as that guaranteed by the manufacturer.
  3. Always choose a Car-Repair Center fully equipped and with qualified personnel for each phase in your car-repair process.
  4. It is possible that some insurance companies will ask to inspect your car through one of their centers before having it repaired. In that case, you could do that, but always keep in mind the value of your predominant investment and most importantly, the future safety performance of your car.
  5. It is best to you ask your insurance company that your car be checked out by a Car-Repair Center of your choice that you trust.
  6. The law does not obblige you to agree with insurance companies' applications. The law supports you by giving you the power to accept the damage estimate evaluated by the insurance assessor or by your free-will turning to a car-repair center you trust to estimate the same damage.
  7. It is your right to address to a Car-Repair Center you can trust. No insurance company gives guarantees on car repairs. The insurance company limits itself to propose to you compensation damages as seen fit.
  8. It is possible to have different evaluations on the same damage. The insurance company can not obblige you to carry out the car repairs in a place other than that one chosen by the client.
  9. After choosing a Car-Repair Center fully equipped and with qualified personnel, ask for original equipment spare parts and a documented guarantee on the repair made.
  10.  Last but not least, let the car-repairman help you with the evaluation and negotiation with the insurance company on the compensation, the results are better!